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2002-09-11 - 9:34 a.m.

I could not believe what happened yesterday. It was such a surprise.

To explain, I had to go to this "mandatory" all-hands meeting last night. Speeches, speeches and more speeches. Some awards, a few laughs and then upstairs to start the party. I was there till about 7 or 7:30. I can't believe how tired I was! I must be getting old.

I jumped on the metro with Nat and headed out. We dished for a while, then she split at Van Dorn. I hopped out at the last stop � Franconia Springfield.

My car was in the garage, on the bottom floor. I think it was one of about 3 left and sat halfway back. Typical for someone getting in around 6:45am. I flipped off my backpack and started digging in it to find my key. Granted, I should have already had it in my hand. Well, I made it all the way to the car and I still couldn't find the damn key. I was groping around when a guy came up behind me and startled the hell out of me. He asked me if I had any money. I said no, which is true. I only had $2.25 to get out of the garage. I thought he'd wander off, but no way � too easy. He kept bugging me, saying he needed money, did I have money? Could I spare money? Any money? I continued to repeat myself, not looking at him, telling him I had nothing. And I still couldn't find my damn key! It was then things started getting scary.

He grabbed my arm and yelled in my face: I need money! That scared the hell out of me! I yelled back: I don't have any! And turned away, trying to give him the hint to leave me alone. Instead, he slammed me against the car door. I grabbed inside my bag and came out � with a high heel. I yelled: GET AWAY FROM ME!!! And it was enough to scare the guy off. I leapt into my car then, but it took like 10 minutes before I calmed down. Sheesh!! So I went to Metro security and reported it, then had to wait till the real cops got there! He was long gone, but at least it was reported...

What a night!!

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